
Monday, 12 September 2016

The Old Guard Wargames Club

Afternoon all,

Last year I was lucky enough to get involved in some games with a bunch of gamers in the North Yorkshire area. Since then we have had regular Sunday games, and the odd game on an evening as well.

Word of our little group has spread about a wee bit, and there were a few others wanting to get involved. So, with a limit on how many could be hosted at one of our homes, we decided to try starting a small club.

Image from the Iron mitten blog-Click Here!

The old guard wargames club is based in Tunstall village hall near Catterick. After trying out a few Friday evenings as games night, it has been decided that Fridays really should be pub night, so we have gone for Sunday afternoons instead.

At the moment we are planning to meet up every fortnight, 13.00 until 17.00.

Here is a link to a thread about the club on the lead adventure forum - LINK
And here is a link to the clubs activities on the Pendraken forum - LINK
Here is another link, to the Steve Dean Forum, (Thanks Roy). LINK

Want to get involved, get in touch... or just leave me a comment!
