Now then,
Last year, during one of the lockdowns, i forget exactly when, i painted up my late Roman army, using the stunning Footsore miniatures.
Light Troops
I started off with some light infanty, javelin armed skirmishers, or Lanciarii, if you prefer.
Next up were some light infantry archers, I spent some extra time stringing their bows, and making arrows out of brush bristles. I think if looks a bit more convincing.
Some light cavalry armed with Javelins.
More light cavalry, this time with bows. again i strung all the bows.
Late Roman Heavy cavalry, with a heroic looking chap accompanying them, for use in To the strongest.
Late Roman heavy cavalry
Veteran heavy cavalry, i used some of the Romano British models in this unit, to make them look a bit different.
Late Roman Cataphracts.
The Infantry
4 Units of Late Roman heavy infantry.
A late Roman Scorpio, the only non Footsore miniatures in the army, these are from Gripping beast.
Commanders and Heroes

Arthur, King of the Britons!
I have used the Belasarius model as a hero for my Cataphract unit.
Guenivere, i use her as a hero in one of the infantry units.
Vortigen, the general of my infanrty.
And finally a camp for use in To the strongest, I scratch built this out of coffee stirrers etc.
A really fun painting project, and an army im very proud of. Next post ill show you their opposition.... The Picts!
Thanks for looking,
My video update over on youtube.