Saturday, 22 March 2014

Terrain tiles

Now then,

Waiting for stuff in the post can be frustrating. Especially when your on leave, and have planned to get loads of painting done, and forgotten to order bases..... So my projects have stalled a bit. My own fault, My options are to punish myself by watching daytime TV, or be a bit more creative..but what to do?

So im sat in the Garden, enjoying the Cyprus sunshine, when I have a thought (rare as that may be). I have 4 TSS terrain tiles upstairs. But they are desert ones that I bought for playing Crusades games etc. What I really need is some terrain for my Napoleonics, and for Bolt action. Now on the other side of these terrain tiles they are blank......

So a quick woodbine later, and I'm off to the local paint shop. I bought a big pot of mossy green paint, and a few random tester pots, (about 10 euro). Here's what I came up with!

The sight that confronted my wife when she got home from work.... 

So these are the backs of the TSS desert tiles, painted first with the moss green, then while still wet, using the tester pots, random fields are painted on in different shades. It turned out much better than I expected if Im totally honest, and in total took me about an hour to get all 4 tiles painted!

Once dry Iv'e continued working on them, so when the lad got home from his mates house this is what greeted him in his room! (no one is safe from the geekyness in my house). Although he did say or rather mumbled that "they look alright" High praise indeed from James the moody arse teenager.

So next Im going to get some trees sorted out, and some hedges (ill have to make 6mm and 15mm versions of these).

Ill post some better images when ive got some trees etc done, and with some troops on. has anyone got any cunning ways of making hedges?

Cheers for looking,


  1. The terrain tiles look good, painting them rather than flocking them seems a lot easier.

    I was planning to make some 6mm hedges using a similar method to this


  2. I've been creating a few simple/cheap hedges myself recently - and though they're for 28mm miniatures, I'm thinking that they might look OK as bocage for smaller scales (like 15mm).

    Apparently, it's a technique that folks have been using for years ...but it was new to me so I did a quick how-to on my blog...

    1. I may go for this as it seems pretty easy to do! Cheers!

  3. Cunning ways of making hedges: Poy scourers, the green type. Cut them into strips about 10-15mm high. Round off the top edges to give a more natural look. Pluck small bits out with your fingertips here and there to make them more irregular. Paint both sides with watered down PVA and then dunk in fine turf. If you have a variety of turf colours and textures, then make up a batch of all of them mixed together to create variety. Voila. Simple and cheap hedges. You can hot glue tor superglue them to lollysticks for craft sticks before you flock them if you want them based.

    1. Now pot scourers are something I do have lots of, ill have a go at this.


  4. Hello Steve, Very nicely done. I take it that give's you 4' x 4'? Your ability to keep Wargaming focused has no bounds even though your gaming time is nil.hats off to you sir!!
    I'm finding it rough going to be bothered to paint much whilst my gaming time is at an all time low. Im at the sell everything stage.

    Best Regards


    1. It passes the time, and I find it relaxing to just paint stuff..... Always at the back of my mind im thinking, one day i will have left the army and settled down somewhere. My gaming room will need stuff to put in the glass cabinets ;)

      Sorry to hear your having a crappy time, things will pick up, dont sell it all, you will regret it im sure.



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